We provide NAB approved courses created by nursing home and assisted living administrators. By being in positions similar to yours, we aim to provide education that is relevant and useful in your position.
We provide book courses, which is a little different then your typicial course. In these there are two types. There are courses in which we provide the book and questions and send them to you via US Postal Service. These courses have the book cover on the link. You then scan and send back answer sheet to sales@toptiercompanies.net. We will then send you a certificate of achievement and post the credit hours to the NAB registry.
The other option is to buy a PDF of the questions. You are responsible for obtaining your own book. We will provide a link for you to buy the book in whatever format you would like. (hardcover, kindle, etc.) You will need to download the PDF and then save it. You complete the test, scan, and send back to sales@toptiercompanies.net. We will then send you a certificate of achievement and post the hours to the NAB registry.
Please click on the shop button on the top left corner of the site. Thank you for considering Top Tier Companies for your continuing education needs.